The administrators dashboard gives the information about the course completion progress of users enrolled in various courses. You can view the progress details of a particular user by clicking against their name in the list.
The User Info window gives the details of an administrator such as-
Completed Mins- The number of minutes the user has clocked in total for all the courses
Enrolled Courses- The total number of courses the user has enrolled for.
Badges Earned- The total number of badges earned by the user along their progress in the courses
Completed Labs- The total number of labs the user has completed across all the courses
User Completion Activity- A calendar depicting the users's course completion progress
Active Courses- The currently running courses the user has enrolled into
Completed Courses- The courses completed by the user
Resend Email-
This icon sends an email reminding the users who have not enrolled into any course to enroll into at least one or more courses
The reports about the user's course completion progress can be had in an excel format on a monthly, weekly or consolidated basis. The consolidated report gives the complete details of a user's course completion progress over a period of time.
Monthly/Weekly Report
Consolidated Report